
Senator Paul Scarr

Senator Paul Scarr

Senator for Queensland

Shadow Assistant Minister for Multicultural Engagement

Liberal Party of Australia

Total Interests: 185

Latest alteration: Gifts - 10/01/25

Source: Statement of Registrable Interests - this contains interests declared as at 17/08/22 and alterations since then.  

This statement contains interests declared as being held on 17/08/22 and any alterations since then, including new interests and amendments and deletions to existing interests. The date of an alteration is when it was declared to the register, not when the change occurred.

Due to Senate restrictions the interests of senators' spouses/partners and dependent children are not publicly disclosable.

Open Politics has amended the wording and formatting of some MPs' and senators' declared interests to improve readability or to correct mistakes. To notify Open Politics of an error or omission, contact us.

1. Shareholdings

Shareholdings - 24 records

Shareholdings in public and private companies, including any holding or subsidiary companies

DateRepPersonName of company
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfThe Lottery Corporation (ASX:TLC) (held in David Scarr Family Trust)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfEndeavour Group Limited (ASX:EDV) (held in David Scarr Family Trust)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfTabcorp Holdings Limited (ASX:TAH) (held in David Scarr Family Trust)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfWoodside Energy Group Ltd (ASX:WDS)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfWestpac Banking Corporation (ASX:WBC)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfWesfarmers Limited (ASX:WES)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfUnibail-Rodamco-Westfield (ASX:URW)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfTelstra Group Limited (ASX:TLS)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSuncorp Group Limited (ASX:SUN)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSantos Limited (ASX:STO)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfScentre Group (ASX:SCG)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfRio Tinto Limited (ASX:RIO)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfQBE Insurance Group Limited (ASX:QBE)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfOrica Limited (ASX:ORI)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfOrigin Energy Ltd (ASX:ORG)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfNational Australia Bank Limited (ASX:NAB)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfGPT Group (ASX:GPT)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfDowner EDI Limited (ASX:DOW)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfColes Group Limited (ASX:COL)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfCommonwealth Bank (ASX:CBA)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfANZ Group Holdings Limited (ASX:ANZ)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfALS Limited (ASX:ALQ)
-Scarr, PaulSpouse/partnerRestricted information
-Scarr, PaulDependent childrenRestricted information

2. Family and business trusts

Family and business trusts - 4 records

Family and business trusts and nominee companies

i. in which a beneficial interest is held

DateRepPersonName of trust/nominee companyNature of its operationBeneficial interest
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfTestamentary Trust of the estate of Diane BerrySenator Scarr is executor/trustee of the estate of Diane Berry (Diane Berry was the mother of Senator Paul Scarr) which has an interest in a residence at Kenmore Queensland Senator Scarr is a beneficiary of the estate of Diane Berry which has an interest in the residence at Kenmore Queensland
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfThe David Scarr Family Trust (trustee is Pambank Pty Ltd) David Scarr is the sole Director and Secretary of Pambank Pty Ltd and holds 8 out of the 10 shares in Pambank Pty Ltd. Senator Scarr owns 1 of the 10 shares issued by Pambank Pty Ltd.Discretionary Trust holding investments for family beneficiaries (David Scarr is the father of Senator Paul Scarr). Senator Scarr does not presently have the ability to exercise control of the trust or the trustee companyPotential discretionary beneficiary; Senator Scarr may be a possible future controller of the trustee company. The David Scarr Family Trust holds shares in: The Lottery Corporation, AFIC Limited, Endeavour Drinks, Aurizon, Woodside, Westpac, ANZ, NAB, Suncorp, BHP, Woolworths, Scentre Group, Bluescope, Telstra, CSR, Tabcorp, WEsfarmers, South32, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, Coles.
-Scarr, PaulSpouse/partnerRestricted information
-Scarr, PaulDependent childrenRestricted information

2. Family and business trusts

Family and business trusts - 4 records

ii. in which someone is a trustee

DateRepPersonName of trust/nominee companyNature of its operationBeneficial interest
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfThe Trust now owns shares in Australian Foundation Investment Company Limited
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfTrust being established arising from the estate of Senator Paul Scarr's spouse's late FatherTrust is being established in the estate of Senator Scarr's late fatherin-law of which the spouse of Senator Scarr is a trustee in favour of spouse's brother with the spouse of Senator Scarr being a potential beneficiary Senator Paul Scarr's spouse and siblings
-Scarr, PaulSpouse/partnerRestricted information
-Scarr, PaulDependent childrenRestricted information

3. Real Estate

Real Estate - 3 records

Real estate, including the location (suburb or area only) and the purpose for which it is owned

17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfApartment, Griffith, ACTResidential
-Scarr, PaulSpouse/partnerRestricted information
-Scarr, PaulDependent childrenRestricted information

4. Directorships

Directorships - 3 records

Registered directorships of companies

DateRepPersonName of companyActivities of company
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfNIL
-Scarr, PaulSpouse/partnerRestricted information
-Scarr, PaulDependent childrenRestricted information

5. Partnerships

Partnerships - 3 records

Partnerships, including the nature of the interests and activities of the partnership

DateRepPersonNameNature of interestsActivities
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfNIL
-Scarr, PaulSpouse/partnerRestricted information
-Scarr, PaulDependent childrenRestricted information

6. Liabilities

Liabilities - 3 records

Liabilities, including the nature of the liability and the name of the creditor

17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfInvestment loan (margin loan which is leveraged against share portfolio disclosed under item 1)Bendigo and Adelaide Bank (subsidiary trading as Leveraged)
-Scarr, PaulSpouse/partnerRestricted information
-Scarr, PaulDependent childrenRestricted information

7. Bonds

Bonds - 3 records

Bonds, debentures and like investments

DateRepPersonType of investmentBody in which investment is held
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfNIL
-Scarr, PaulSpouse/partnerRestricted information
-Scarr, PaulDependent childrenRestricted information

8. Savings or investment accounts

Savings - 3 records

Savings or investment accounts, including the nature of the account and the name of the bank or financial institution

DateRepPersonName of bank/institution
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfWestpac Bank
-Scarr, PaulSpouse/partner
-Scarr, PaulDependent children

9. Other assets

Other assets - 3 records

The nature of any other assets (excluding household and personal effects) each valued at over $7,500

DateRepPersonNature of any other assets
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSuperannuation Account with Australian Super
-Scarr, PaulSpouse/partnerRestricted information
-Scarr, PaulDependent childrenRestricted information

10. Other income

Other income - 3 records

The nature of any other substantial sources of income (excluding official salary)

DateRepPersonNature of income
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfShareholdings - refer to item 1 above
-Scarr, PaulSpouse/partnerRestricted information
-Scarr, PaulDependent childrenRestricted information

11. Gifts

Gifts - 4 records

Gifts of more than $750 from official sources (e.g. a foreign or domestic government, or officeholder in a government) or at more than $300 from non-official sources. Gifts from family or friends do not need to be declared unless a member or senator judges that it could create an appearance of a conflict of interest.

DateRepPersonDetails of gifts
10/01/2025Scarr, PaulSelfBottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label 700mm and executive compendium received from Mr Gulam Alizada in appreciation for Senator's personal sponsorship of the Australian Afghan Football tournament.
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfNIL
-Scarr, PaulSpouse/partnerRestricted information
-Scarr, PaulDependent childrenRestricted information

12. Travel or hospitality

Travel or hospitality - 3 records

Sponsored travel or hospitality where the value exceeds $300

DateRepPersonDetails of travel/hospitality
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfMembership of the QANTAS Chairman's Lounge
-Scarr, PaulSpouse/partnerRestricted information
-Scarr, PaulDependent childrenRestricted information

13. Office holder or donor

Office holder or donor - 155 records

Being an office holder of or financial contributor donating $300 or more in any single calendar year to any organisation

DateRepPersonName of organisation
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfDoctors without Frontiers (donation)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfGreater Springfield Indian Association (sponsorship)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfFiji Rugby League Qld (sponsorship)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfQld Tonga Netball (sponsorship)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfEthiopian Football Qld (sponsorship)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfFederation of Ethnic Communities of Qld (sponsorship)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfSmile Back (sponsorship)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfUgandans in Queensland (sponsorship)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfTamil Association of Qld (sponsorship)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfTeam Peoples Alliance (sponsorship)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfGhana Queensland Association (sponsorship)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfKenyans in Queensland (sponsorship)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfPhillipines Multicultural Australia (sponsorship)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfLogan Basketball Inc (sponsorship)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfImanzi Dance Group (sponsorship)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfIndian Senior Citizens Association (sponsorship)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfBowel Cancer Australia (donation)
17/12/2024Scarr, PaulSelfVoice of Lord Assembly Church (sponsorship of thanksgiving event)
13/12/2023Scarr, PaulSelfSt George Ethiopia Orthodox Church (sponsorship)
21/11/2023Scarr, PaulSelfGoodna Special School P&C donation/sponsor
16/11/2023Scarr, PaulSelfEmpowerment without borders (sponsor)
16/11/2023Scarr, PaulSelfBurundian Community of Qld (sponsor)
16/11/2023Scarr, PaulSelfBristars Football Team (sponsor)
16/11/2023Scarr, PaulSelfUganda Football Team AFCON (sponsor)
16/11/2023Scarr, PaulSelfStop the Stink Community Group (sponsor)
16/11/2023Scarr, PaulSelfFNQ Pearls (sponsor)
16/11/2023Scarr, PaulSelfNwannedinamba Qld Inc (sponsor)
16/11/2023Scarr, PaulSelfGuinea Football Team AFCON football (sponsor)
16/11/2023Scarr, PaulSelfMarist Rye Rugby (sponsor)
16/11/2023Scarr, PaulSelfNiue Touch Australia (sponsor)
20/09/2023Scarr, PaulSelfSponsorship: Nigerian Community Association
19/09/2023Scarr, PaulSelfDonations/Sponsorship: Springfield Chamber of Commerce (Member).
19/09/2023Scarr, PaulSelfDonations/Sponsorship: Slacks Creek Rugby League Club
19/09/2023Scarr, PaulSelfDonations/Sponsorship: Community Sports Mentoring
19/09/2023Scarr, PaulSelfDonations/Sponsorship: Jewish Education Foundation
19/09/2023Scarr, PaulSelfDonations/Sponsorship: Kenyans in Qld
19/09/2023Scarr, PaulSelfDonations/Sponsorship: South Sudanese Community Association
19/09/2023Scarr, PaulSelfDonations/Sponsorship: Queensland Chinese Forum
19/09/2023Scarr, PaulSelfDonations/Sponsorship: United Malayalee Qld
19/09/2023Scarr, PaulSelfDonations/Sponsorship: Brisbane Islamic Centre
19/09/2023Scarr, PaulSelfDonations/Sponsorship: Multiple Sclerosis Qld
19/09/2023Scarr, PaulSelfDonations/Sponsorship: GT Stingers Rugby League
19/09/2023Scarr, PaulSelfDonations/Sponsorship: Archerfield Rotary Club
19/09/2023Scarr, PaulSelfDonations/Sponsorship: Qld Fiji Youth Rugby Qld
19/09/2023Scarr, PaulSelfDonations/Sponsorship: End Rape on Campus
19/09/2023Scarr, PaulSelfDonations/Sponsorship: Lowood State School
3/05/2023Scarr, PaulSelfSponsorship of Event held by Pasifika Families Inc
3/05/2023Scarr, PaulSelfMalayalee Association of Queensland
24/04/2023Scarr, PaulSelfMalayalee Assocication of Qld Inc (sponsorship)
24/04/2023Scarr, PaulSelfQld Policy Legacy Scheme (sponsorship)
24/04/2023Scarr, PaulSelfQueensland Tamil Mandram (sponsorship)
24/04/2023Scarr, PaulSelfTe Karowai Associ Inc (sponsorship)
24/04/2023Scarr, PaulSelfBootstraps Inc (sponsorship)
24/04/2023Scarr, PaulSelfMatu Community of Qld Inc (sponsorship)
24/04/2023Scarr, PaulSelfMinhaj Welfare Foundation (sponsorship)
24/04/2023Scarr, PaulSelfCRPH - CDM (sponsorship)
24/04/2023Scarr, PaulSelfBangladesh Association of Qld (sponsorship)
24/04/2023Scarr, PaulSelfBrisbane Super Kings Cricket Club (sponsorship)
24/04/2023Scarr, PaulSelfToowoomba Islamic Charitable Org (donation)
27/01/2023Scarr, PaulSelfBrisbane Roar FC (sponsorship of junior players)
13/01/2023Scarr, PaulSelfBest United Football Team Sponsorship
13/01/2023Scarr, PaulSelfPNG Kubers sponsorship
19/12/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSponsor Forest Lake Dragons AFL Club
8/12/2022Scarr, PaulSelfNiue Netball Qld
8/12/2022Scarr, PaulSelfVietnamese Community in Qld
8/12/2022Scarr, PaulSelfObiora Ogu
8/12/2022Scarr, PaulSelfBurundian Community of Qld
8/12/2022Scarr, PaulSelfNamaskar Gujarat Trust
8/12/2022Scarr, PaulSelfFiji Community Association
8/12/2022Scarr, PaulSelfMy Father's House Ministries (sponsor youth day)
8/12/2022Scarr, PaulSelfQld Pacific Islands Indigenous Maori Rugby League (sponsor)
8/12/2022Scarr, PaulSelfIpswich Regional Chamber of Commerce (member)
8/12/2022Scarr, PaulSelfBStars Football
8/12/2022Scarr, PaulSelfNiue Rugby League Qld
8/12/2022Scarr, PaulSelfMandalay Progress Association
8/12/2022Scarr, PaulSelfDepartment of Children and Youth Justice Qld (sponsor children Christmas Party)
8/12/2022Scarr, PaulSelfTAFE Qld (sponsor cooking for Christmas hampers)
14/09/2022Scarr, PaulSelfPNG Federation Queensland Inc (sponsor)
14/09/2022Scarr, PaulSelfCongo Konnexion Inc (sponsor)
14/09/2022Scarr, PaulSelfTeam Samoa Netball (sponsor)
14/09/2022Scarr, PaulSelfIpswich Musical Theatre Inc (sponsor)
14/09/2022Scarr, PaulSelfMalayalee Association of Qld Inc (sponsor)
14/09/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSpringfield Mo-Men Movember (sponsor)
14/09/2022Scarr, PaulSelfQueensland Sanatan Organising Committee (sponsor)
14/09/2022Scarr, PaulSelfQld PNG Netball Club (sponsor)
14/09/2022Scarr, PaulSelfNigerian Community Association of Qld Inc (sponsor)
14/09/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSponsor My Pacific Sister
19/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSponsor of the Acholi National Soccer Tournament
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfKenyans in Qld
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfKingston East Neighbourhood Group
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfCook Islands Rugby League
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfDoormuong Nuer Learning
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfAfrican Professionals of Australia Inc
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfQld PNG Rugby League Inc
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfUQ Liberal National Society
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSponsorship of "Of Service" veterans' book (organised by Jenani Therone)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSalvation Army
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSouthside United Multicultural Association (sponsor)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfPNG Federation of Qld Inc (sponsor)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfHelping Needy Afghans (sponsor)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfRaemus Rover Racing (sponsor)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfCongolese Community of Queensland (sponsor)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfLogan City Rugby Union Club (sponsor)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfTe Karowai Aroha Inc (sponsor)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfEnumanu Atiu Nui Maruarua Association Inc (sponsor)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelf Base HQ (sponsor)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfCongo Konnexion Inc (sponsor)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfRotary Club Ipswich (sponsor)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSponsor Goodna Rugby League junior team
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSponsor COVID19 response by Federation of Indian Communities of Qld
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSunnybank RSL (sponsorship of bursary for students Chinese Australian memorial)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfRwandan Association of Qld Inc (sponsorship of event)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfVietnamese Community in Australia Inc (sponsorship of events)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfQueensland African Communities Council (sponsorship)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfQueensland Pacific Island, Indigenous, Maori Association (sponsorship)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSponsorship of Gisborne Day Multicultural Celebrations (event sponsor - Mr William Wharehinga)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfKorean Martial Arts Academy (event sponsorship)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfIpswich Regional Chamber of Commerce (event sponsorship)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfDonation to Stanthorpe Anglican Parish for emergency food relief programme
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfHonorary Member of The Rotary Club of Archerfield
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfCityhope care (sponsor for emergency relief)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfBrisbane Sikh Temple Gurdwarra Inc (sponsor for emergency relief)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfIpswich Assist (sponsor for emergency relief)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfWestside Community Care (donation for emergency relief)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSponsorship of event for Fijian Senior Citizens Association of Queensland Inc
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSponsorship of Eid Festival for Islamic Council of Queensland
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfWounded Heroes Association Inc (sponsor for emergency relief to veterans)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfRotary Club - Taylor Bridge (School Breakfast Programme - Sponsorship)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfFederation of Indian Communities of Queensland (Emergency Food Relief - Sponsorship)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfBreakthrough Church (Emergency Food Relief - Sponsorship)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfDonation to Nicole Tobin, candidate for Cairns City Council
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfDonation to Teresa Harding candidate for mayor of Ipswich, Queensland
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfQueensland Tamil Mandram Inc (sponsorship of event)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfWests Bulldogs Rugby Inc (sponsorship of event)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfMulticultural Community Centre (sponsorship of event)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfMiao Miao Chinese School
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfBrisbane South Netball Wildcats (sponsorship)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfGo Country for Christmas (donation)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfFijian Uniting Church Annerley (donation)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfBest United Football Club (sponsorship)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfIpswich Grammar School (donation)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfAlannah & Madeline Foundation (Dolly's Dream) Donation
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfRotary Club of Archerfield (sponsorship)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfBond University Liberal National Club (Sponsor)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfDarling Downs Fijian Community Association (Sponsor)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfKings & Queens Rugby Inc (Sponsor)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSponsor of Pasifika Festival (Pasifika Limited)
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSponsor fo Greater Springfield Running Festival (organised by Run 4 Kids), festival organiser Time Lords Timing Pty Ltd
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfLiberal National Party of Queensland
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfPunjabi Welfare Association of Australia - Sponsor
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSherwood Community Festival Inc. - sponsor
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfTokoua Tonga Rugby League Inc - Sponsor
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfSunnybank RSL (Australians of Chinese Heritage War Memorial Bursuries) - Sponsor/Donor
-Scarr, PaulSpouse/partnerRestricted information
-Scarr, PaulDependent childrenRestricted information

14. Other Interests

Other Interests - 3 records

Any other interests where a conflict of interest with a member's or senator's public duties could foreseeably arise or be seen to arise

DateRepPersonNature of interests
17/08/2022Scarr, PaulSelfNIL
-Scarr, PaulSpouse/partnerRestricted information
-Scarr, PaulDependent childrenRestricted information

Photo licensed from the Parliament of Australia website under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 AU