Patrick Gorman MP - 46th Parliament

Member for Perth, Western Australia
Australian Labor Party
Total Interests: 48
Latest alteration: Liabilities - 21/03/22
Source: Statement of Registrable Interests - this contains interests declared as at 11/04/19 and alterations since then.
This statement contains interests declared as at the dissolution of the previous parliament on 11/04/19 and any alterations since then, including new interests and amendments and deletions to existing interests. The date of an alteration is when it was declared to the register, not when the change occurred.
Open Politics has amended the wording and formatting of some MPs' and senators' declared interests to improve readability or to correct mistakes. To notify Open Politics of an error or omission, contact us.
Shareholdings - 1
Trusts and nominee companies - 1
Real Estate - 0
Directorships - 0
Partnerships - 0
Liabilities - 3
Saving or investment accounts - 1
Other assets - 1
Other income - 1
Gifts - 3
Memberships - 5
Other interests - 1
Shareholdings - 4
Trusts and nominee companies - 0
Real Estate - 1
Directorships - 0
Partnerships - 0
Liabilities - 1
Saving or investment accounts - 1
Other assets - 3
Other income - 2
Gifts - 0
Memberships - 0
Other interests - 0
Shareholdings - 0
Trusts and nominee companies - 1
Real Estate - 0
Directorships - 0
Partnerships - 0
Liabilities - 0
Saving or investment accounts - 1
Other assets - 0
Other income - 0
Gifts - 0
Memberships - 0
Other interests - 0
2. Family and business trusts
Family and business trusts - 3 recordsFamily and business trusts and nominee companies
i. in which a beneficial interest is held
Date | Rep | Person | Name of trust/nominee company | Nature of its operation | Beneficial interest |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Melo Pty Ltd. | Trustee for the King Family Trust | Potential beneficiary |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Nil | ||
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Dependent children | Melo Pty Ltd↳ I advise that myself and my dependent child cannot exercise control over the right to vote or dispose of any shares held by this entity. Amended 30/07/19 | Trustee for the King Family Trust. | Potential beneficiary |
2. Family and business trusts
Family and business trusts - 3 recordsii. in which someone is a trustee
Date | Rep | Person | Name of trust/nominee company | Nature of its operation | Beneficial interest |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Nil | ||
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Nil | ||
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Dependent children | Nil |
3. Real Estate
Real Estate - 4 recordsReal estate, including the location (suburb or area only) and the purpose for which it is owned
Date | Rep | Person | Location | Purpose |
31/10/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | House, North Perth | Family home |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | House, Mount Lawley↳ Deleted from register 31/10/19 | Family home jointly owned with spouse. |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | House, Mount Lawley↳ Deleted from register 31/10/19 | Family home jointly owned with spouse. |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Dependent children | Nil |
4. Directorships
Directorships - 3 recordsRegistered directorships of companies
Date | Rep | Person | Name of company | Activities of company |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Nil | |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Nil | |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Dependent children | Nil |
5. Partnerships
Partnerships - 3 recordsPartnerships, including the nature of the interests and activities of the partnership
Date | Rep | Person | Name | Nature of interests | Activities |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Nil | ||
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Nil | ||
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Dependent children | Nil |
6. Liabilities
Liabilities - 6 recordsLiabilities, including the nature of the liability and the name of the creditor
Date | Rep | Person | Liability | Creditor |
1/10/2021 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Loan for a Tesla Model 3 which is my electorate vehicle | NAB |
20/11/2020 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Credit Card ↳ Deleted from register 21/03/22 | Qantas Money |
13/03/2020 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Car loan | Volkswagen Financial Services |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Mortgage | NAB |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Mortgage | NAB |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Dependent children | Nil |
7. Bonds
Bonds - 3 recordsBonds, debentures and like investments
Date | Rep | Person | Type of investment | Body in which investment is held |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Nil | |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Nil | |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Dependent children | Nil |
8. Savings or investment accounts
Savings - 4 recordsSavings or investment accounts, including the nature of the account and the name of the bank or financial institution
Date | Rep | Person | Nature of account | Name of bank/institution |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Credit Card transaction account.↳ Account closed 05/08/2019. Deleted from register 14/08/19 | ANZ |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Various savings, investment and transaction accounts | NAB |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Various savings, investment and transaction accounts | NAB |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Dependent children | Savings account | NAB |
9. Other assets
Other assets - 5 recordsThe nature of any other assets (excluding household and personal effects) each valued at over $7,500
Date | Rep | Person | Nature of any other assets |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Superannuation with Australian Super |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | OnePath Masterfund |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Comminsure Corporate Insurance Superannuation |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Superannuation with Australian Super |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Dependent children | Nil |
10. Other income
Other income - 5 recordsThe nature of any other substantial sources of income (excluding official salary)
Date | Rep | Person | Nature of income |
9/09/2021 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Income from role as Public & Investor Relations Manager for Vulcan Energy Resources Ltd. This remuneration package includes shareholdings in the company (ASX:VUL). |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Income from investments set out above |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Income from investments set out above |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Income as a Senior Media and Corporate Affairs Specialist at Fortescue Metals Group. ↳ No longer works for Fortescue Metals Group. Deleted from register 9/09/21 |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Dependent children | Nil |
11. Gifts
Gifts - 5 recordsGifts of more than $750 from official sources (e.g. a foreign or domestic government, or officeholder in a government) or at more than $300 from non-official sources. Gifts from family or friends do not need to be declared unless a member or senator judges that it could create an appearance of a conflict of interest.
Date | Rep | Person | Details of gifts |
14/08/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | 2 complimentary honourary guest passes and 1 vehicle pass for Gloucester Park Harness Racing (received 14th August 2019). |
24/07/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Received from Perth Airport on 11 June 2019 a Car Park Access Card providing complimentary parking. |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Foxtel subscription for my electorate office from Australian Subscription Television and Radio Association (ASTRA). |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Nil |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Dependent children | Nil |
12. Travel or hospitality
Travel or hospitality - 18 recordsSponsored travel or hospitality where the value exceeds $300
Date | Rep | Person | Details of travel/hospitality |
15/11/2021 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Tickets from the Tourism Council of WA to attend the The Perth Airport WA Tourism Awards on 13 November 2021 (with spouse). |
15/11/2021 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Tickets from the Tourism Council of WA to attend the The Perth Airport WA Tourism Awards on 13 November 2021 (with spouse). |
12/10/2021 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Flight from Perth to Barrow Island and return on 5 October 2021 to enable a site visit of Barrow Island and the Gorgon gas project provided by Chevron Australia. |
20/09/2021 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Tickets provided by the AFL to attend the 2021 Brownlow Medal vote count and AFL Grand Final in Perth - with spouse. |
20/09/2021 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Tickets provided by the AFL to attend the 2021 Brownlow Medal vote count and AFL Grand Final in Perth - with spouse. |
7/01/2020 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Tickets from Tennis Australia and Tennis West to attend the ATP Cup on 5 January 2020 at Perth Arena - with spouse |
7/01/2020 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Tickets from Tennis Australia and Tennis West to attend the ATP Cup on 5 January 2020 at Perth Arena - with spouse |
17/10/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Received from Western Australian Cricket Association, two (2) complimentary Associate Member Cards for the 2019-20 season of cricket. These cards are fully transferable and can be used for all fixtures, including the Domain Test Match, Gillette T20 International,KFC Big Bash League, Regel Women’s Big Bash League and all WAMens and Womens fixtures. |
14/08/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Complimentary room upgrade during stay at Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney (12th August 2019). |
24/07/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Tickets from CGM Communications for for myself, wife and staff to attend the Fremantle Dockers v. Port Adelaide on 15 June 2019 at Optus Stadium in their corporate suite. |
24/07/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Ticket from National Disability Services (NDS WA) to attend the WA Disability Support Awards ceremony at Crown Ballroom on 11 May 2019. |
24/07/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Tickets from CGM Communications for for myself, wife and staff to attend the Fremantle Dockers v. Port Adelaide on 15 June 2019 at Optus Stadium in their corporate suite. |
24/07/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Ticket from National Disability Services (NDS WA) to attend the WA Disability Support Awards ceremony at Crown Ballroom on 11 May 2019. |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Western Australian Cricket Association - two Guest Cards for the 2018-19 Season |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Membership of the Qantas Chairman’s Lounge. |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Membership of the Virgin Australia Club. |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Membership of the Virgin Australia Club. |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Dependent children | Nil |
13. Memberships
Memberships - 7 recordsMembership of any organisation where a conflict of interest with a member's or senator's public duties could foreseeably arise or be seen to arise
Date | Rep | Person | Name of organisation |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Member of the Australian Republican Movement |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Member of United Voice (WA Branch) |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Member of the Fremantle Dockers |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Member of the Australian Labor Party (WA Branch) |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Nil |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Dependent children | Nil |
14. Other Interests
Other Interests - 4 recordsAny other interests where a conflict of interest with a member's or senator's public duties could foreseeably arise or be seen to arise
Date | Rep | Person | Nature of interests |
22/10/2021 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | I am a defendant in a civil proceeding initiated by Tristan Cockman against members of the Australian Labor Party (WA Branch) relating to the Party’s decision not to endorse him as a candidate for Cowan at the 2016 federal election. While I have already disclosed my membership of the Australian Labor Party (WA Branch) and while I do not see how a perceived conflict could arise, for completeness I also declare that the Australian Labor Party (WA Branch) is covering the legal costs of this matter. |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Self | Nil |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Spouse/partner | Nil |
11/04/2019 | Gorman, Patrick | Dependent children | Nil |
Photo licensed from the Parliament of Australia website under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 AU