Warren Entsch MP - 46th Parliament

Warren Entsch MP - 46th Parliament

Member for Leichhardt, Queensland

Liberal National Party of Queensland

Total Interests: 38

Latest alteration: Trusts and nominee companies - 31/03/22

Source: Statement of Registrable Interests - this contains interests declared as at 11/04/19 and alterations since then.  

This statement contains interests declared as at the dissolution of the previous parliament on 11/04/19 and any alterations since then, including new interests and amendments and deletions to existing interests. The date of an alteration is when it was declared to the register, not when the change occurred.

Open Politics has amended the wording and formatting of some MPs' and senators' declared interests to improve readability or to correct mistakes. To notify Open Politics of an error or omission, contact us.

1. Shareholdings

Shareholdings - 12 records

Shareholdings in public and private companies, including any holding or subsidiary companies

DateRepPersonName of company
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerBetashares Nasdaq 100 ETF (NDQ)
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerAlcidion Group Ltd (ALC)
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerPointsbet Holdings Ltd (PBH)
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerLynas Rare Earths Ltd (LYC)
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerEQ Resources Ltd (EQR)
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerEML Payments Ltd (EML)
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerCastle Minerals Limited (CDT)
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerNovonix Ltd (NVX)
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerDroneShield Ltd (DRO)
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenNil

2. Family and business trusts

Family and business trusts - 3 records

Family and business trusts and nominee companies

i. in which a beneficial interest is held

DateRepPersonName of trust/nominee companyNature of its operationBeneficial interest
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfEntsch Family Trust↳ Deleted from register 31/03/22Tuff Muff ExhaustsDirector
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenNil

2. Family and business trusts

Family and business trusts - 3 records

ii. in which someone is a trustee

DateRepPersonName of trust/nominee companyNature of its operationBeneficial interest
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenNil

3. Real Estate

Real Estate - 5 records

Real estate, including the location (suburb or area only) and the purpose for which it is owned

11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfYorkeys Knob, QueenslandResidential
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfMalanda, QueenslandResidential and grazing
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerMooroobool, QueenslandInvestment
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerMalanda, QueenslandResidential and grazing
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenNil

4. Directorships

Directorships - 5 records

Registered directorships of companies

DateRepPersonName of companyActivities of company
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerWheels of Wellness Ltd - Limited by Guarantee Charity
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerWild China Pty Ltd
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfEntsch Enterprises↳ Deleted from register 31/03/22Muffler installation and repairs
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerYLE Enterprises Pty LtdContract consulting
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenNil

5. Partnerships

Partnerships - 3 records

Partnerships, including the nature of the interests and activities of the partnership

DateRepPersonNameNature of interestsActivities
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenNil

6. Liabilities

Liabilities - 7 records

Liabilities, including the nature of the liability and the name of the creditor

31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerEquity Access Loan, Investment Westpac
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfPersonal Loan↳ Deleted from register 31/03/22Cairns Penny Bank
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfOverdraftCairns Penny Bank
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfMortgageCairns Penny Bank
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerMortgageWestpac
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerMortgageING Direct
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenNil

7. Bonds

Bonds - 3 records

Bonds, debentures and like investments

DateRepPersonType of investmentBody in which investment is held
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenNil

8. Savings or investment accounts

Savings - 7 records

Savings or investment accounts, including the nature of the account and the name of the bank or financial institution

DateRepPersonName of bank/institution
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenWestpac
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfCairns Penny Bank
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerANZ
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerWestpac
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerCairns Penny Bank
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenWestpac
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenBendigo Bank

9. Other assets

Other assets - 3 records

The nature of any other assets (excluding household and personal effects) each valued at over $7,500

DateRepPersonNature of any other assets
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfFarm machinery, livestock and artwork
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerLivestock
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenNil

10. Other income

Other income - 7 records

The nature of any other substantial sources of income (excluding official salary)

DateRepPersonNature of income
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSelfIncome derived from sale of cattle
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSelfAgistment of land
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerConsulting/Contract Work
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerFull employment
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerContract work
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenNil

11. Gifts

Gifts - 3 records

Gifts of more than $750 from official sources (e.g. a foreign or domestic government, or officeholder in a government) or at more than $300 from non-official sources. Gifts from family or friends do not need to be declared unless a member or senator judges that it could create an appearance of a conflict of interest.

DateRepPersonDetails of gifts
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenNil

12. Travel or hospitality

Travel or hospitality - 5 records

Sponsored travel or hospitality where the value exceeds $300

DateRepPersonDetails of travel/hospitality
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelf25th April to 29th April 2018 Travelled to New York, United States of America in role as Co-Chair of the Asia Pacific Caucus for Tuberculosis for the High Level Meeting on Tuberculosis Total cost GBP $4,032.45 or approx $7,234 AUD
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelf1st May to 4th May 2017 Travelled to Manila, Philippines in role as Co-Chair of the Asia Pacific Caucus for Tuberculosis for Health Conference Total cost $3,601 per diem
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelf23rd October to 29th October 2016 Travelled to Liverpool, United Kingdom in role as Co-Chair of the Asia Pacific Caucus for Tuberculosis for Conference Total cost $4,585.72 GBP or approx $7,300 AUD
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenNil

13. Memberships

Memberships - 3 records

Membership of any organisation where a conflict of interest with a member's or senator's public duties could foreseeably arise or be seen to arise

DateRepPersonName of organisation
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenNil

14. Other Interests

Other Interests - 4 records

Any other interests where a conflict of interest with a member's or senator's public duties could foreseeably arise or be seen to arise

DateRepPersonNature of interests
31/03/2022Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerPerceived conflict of interest to note. CEO of Wheels of Wellness of which the charity receives funding through the Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) and revenue through Medicare
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSelfNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenSpouse/partnerNil
11/04/2019Entsch, WarrenDependent childrenNil

Photo licensed from the Parliament of Australia website under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 AU