
Paul Fletcher MP

Paul Fletcher MP

Member for Bradfield, NSW

Liberal Party of Australia

Total Interests: 102

Latest alteration: Travel or hospitality - 17/01/25

Source: Statement of Registrable Interests - this contains interests declared as at 11/04/22 and alterations since then.  

This statement contains interests declared as at the dissolution of the previous parliament on 11/04/22 and any alterations since then, including new interests and amendments and deletions to existing interests. The date of an alteration is when it was declared to the register, not when the change occurred.

Open Politics has amended the wording and formatting of some MPs' and senators' declared interests to improve readability or to correct mistakes. To notify Open Politics of an error or omission, contact us.

1. Shareholdings

Shareholdings - 16 records

Shareholdings in public and private companies, including any holding or subsidiary companies

DateRepPersonName of company
23/06/2023Fletcher, PaulSelfDevizes Investments invested in Vanguard U.S. Total Market Shares Index ETF (VTS)
23/06/2023Fletcher, PaulSelfDevizes Investments invested in iShares Core Composite Bond ETF (IAF)
14/06/2023Fletcher, PaulSelfDevizes Investments acquired IOZ (listed ETF)
22/12/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfDevizes Investments invests in Vanugard Australian Inflation Linked Bond Index Fund
22/12/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfDevizes Investments invests in VanEck Australian Floating Rate ETF(FLOT.AX)
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfDevizes Investments holds shares in Ku-ring-gai Financial Services Ltd
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfPMZF Pty Ltd
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfPMZF Pearl Super Pty Ltd
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfDevizes Investments Pty Ltd
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerMay have other shares but Paul Fletcher has not made inquiries
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerPMZF Pty Limited
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerPMZF Pearl Super Pty Ltd
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerZappacosta Jewels Pty Ltd
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerNIB Holdings Limited (ASX:NHF)
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulDependent childrenI do not know if my stepson aged 23 holds any shares and I have not made inquiry. [Amended statement on 5/9/22 to advise that his stepson Gabriel Smith is no longer a dependent as he has completed his degree and is working full time.]↳ Deleted from register 5/09/22
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulDependent childrenNil

2. Family and business trusts

Family and business trusts - 3 records

Family and business trusts and nominee companies

i. in which a beneficial interest is held

DateRepPersonName of trust/nominee companyNature of its operationBeneficial interest
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfPMZF Pearl Superannuation Fund ("Pearl Fund")Pearl Fund owns commercial property on South Dowling Street, Paddington. Pearl has a loan from Commonwealth Bank.Joint beneficiary with spouse
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerPMZF Pearl Superannuation Fund ("Pearl Fund")Pearl Fund owns commercial property on South Dowling Street, Paddington. Pearl has a loan from Commonwealth Bank.Joint beneficiary with spouse
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulDependent childrenNil

2. Family and business trusts

Family and business trusts - 5 records

ii. in which someone is a trustee

DateRepPersonName of trust/nominee companyNature of its operationBeneficial interest
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfPMZF Pty Limited ACN 624 668 226. Own one share in this company and am a director and secretary of this company.Owns the commercial property located on South Dowling Street, Paddington, as a bare trustee for Pearl Fund Joint beneficiary with spouse
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfPMZF Pearl Super Pty Limited ACN 624 512 009 as trustee of Pearl Fund. I own one share in this company and am a director and secretary of this company.Self managed super fundJoint beneficiary with spouse
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerPMZF Pty Limited ACN 624 668 226. Own one share in this company and am a director and secretary of this company.Owns the commercial property located on South Dowling Street, Paddington, as a bare trustee for Pearl Fund.Joint beneficiary with spouse
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerPMZF Pearl Super Pty Limited ACN 624 512 009 as trustee of Pearl Fund. I own one share in this company and am a director and secretary of this company.Self managed super fundJoint beneficiary with spouse
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulDependent childrenNil

3. Real Estate

Real Estate - 7 records

Real estate, including the location (suburb or area only) and the purpose for which it is owned

22/12/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfPMZF Pearl Superannuation owns a commercial property (strata title office) in the Sydney CBDInvestment
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfPaddington NSWInvestment
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfRoseville NSWResidential
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerLettomanopello, Italy Investment
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerPaddington NSWInvestment
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerRoseville NSWResidential
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulDependent childrenNil

4. Directorships

Directorships - 7 records

Registered directorships of companies

DateRepPersonName of companyActivities of company
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfPMZF Pty LimitedBare trustee for self managed superannuation fund
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfPMZF Pearl Super Pty LtdTrustee of self managed superannuation fund
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfDevizes Investments Pty LtdHolding company for personal investments
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partner[Paul Fletcher declared as at 11/04/22 that he does not know and did not inquire as to whether his spouse is a director of any other company. He amended his statement 5/9/22 that his spouse has advised him she is not a director of any other companies.]
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerPMZF Pty LimitedBare trustee for self managed superannuation fund
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerPMZF Pearl Super Pty LtdTrustee of self managed superannuation fund
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerZappacosta Jewels Pty LtdJewellery designing and retailing

5. Partnerships

Partnerships - 3 records

Partnerships, including the nature of the interests and activities of the partnership

DateRepPersonNameNature of interestsActivities
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfNil
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerNil
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulDependent childrenNil

6. Liabilities

Liabilities - 5 records

Liabilities, including the nature of the liability and the name of the creditor

11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfLoan to PMZF Pearl Superannuation FundCommonwealth Bank
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfMortgage on residential propertyING Direct
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerLoan to PMZF Pearl Superannuation FundCommonwealth Bank
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerMortgage on residential propertyING Direct
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulDependent childrenNil

7. Bonds

Bonds - 16 records

Bonds, debentures and like investments

DateRepPersonType of investmentBody in which investment is held
22/12/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfDevizes Investments invests in iShares S&P/ASX Dividend Opportunities ESG Screened ETF (IHD.AX)↳ Deleted from register 14/06/23
8/08/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfUnit trust/managed fund↳ Deleted from register 14/06/23Vanguard Global Infrastructure Index Fund
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfVanguard Government Bond Fund ↳ Deleted from register 22/12/22Vanguard Short Term Fixed Interest Fund
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfUnit trust/managed fund ↳ Deleted from register 22/12/22Vanguard Government Bond Fund
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfUnit trust/managed fundState Street International Equities Index Fund ↳ State Street International Equities Index Fund Deleted from register 14/06/23
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfUnit trust/managed fundVanguard Australian Corporate Fixed Interest Index Fund ↳ Vanguard Australian Corporate Fixed Interest Index Fund Deleted from register 14/06/23
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfUnit trust/managed fundVanguard Emerging Markets Share Index Fund
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfUnit trust/managed fund↳ Deleted from register 14/06/23Ardea Australian Linked Bond Fund
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfUnit trust/managed fundVanguard International Small Companies Index Fund
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfUnit trust/managed fund↳ Devizes Investments has divested from fund. Deleted from register 23/06/23Netwealth International Equities Index Fund
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfUnit trust/managed fund↳ Deleted from register 14/06/23Vanguard Index International Shares Fund
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfUnit trust/managed fundVanguard Index Australian Property Securities Fund
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfUnit trust/managed fund↳ Deleted from register 11/04/22PIMCO Wholesale Diversified Fixed Interest Fund
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfNone held directly by Paul Fletcher - the following are held via Devizes Investments, a holding company for personal investments
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partner[Paul Fletcher declared he does not know and did not inquire as to whether his spouse holds bonds, debentures and like investments]
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulDependent childrenNil

8. Savings or investment accounts

Savings - 17 records

Savings or investment accounts, including the nature of the account and the name of the bank or financial institution

DateRepPersonName of bank/institution
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelf
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfRaboDirect
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfMacquarie Cash Management Account
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfING Direct
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelf
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfSt George Bank
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfRaboDirect
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfING Direct
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfING Direct
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfING Direct
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfCommonwealth Bank
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfSt George
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfMacquarie Cash Management Account
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partner
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerSt George Bank
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerING Direct
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulDependent children

9. Other assets

Other assets - 7 records

The nature of any other assets (excluding household and personal effects) each valued at over $7,500

DateRepPersonNature of any other assets
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfI do not know if [my spouse] holds any other assets valued at over $7,500 and I have not made inquiry.
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfSuperannuation - PMZF Pearl Superannuation Fund
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfSuperannuation - Public Sector Superannuation Scheme
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfSuperannuation - ING Living Super
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerSuperannuation - PMZF Pearl Superannuation Fund
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerSuperannuation - REST
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulDependent childrenNil

10. Other income

Other income - 3 records

The nature of any other substantial sources of income (excluding official salary)

DateRepPersonNature of income
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfNone directly. Devizes Investments Pty Ltd derives income from its investments.
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerIncome from business Zappacosta Jewels - amount pa not known
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulDependent childrenNil

11. Gifts

Gifts - 5 records

Gifts of more than $750 from official sources (e.g. a foreign or domestic government, or officeholder in a government) or at more than $300 from non-official sources. Gifts from family or friends do not need to be declared unless a member or senator judges that it could create an appearance of a conflict of interest.

DateRepPersonDetails of gifts
7/02/2024Fletcher, PaulSelfComplimentary Streaming subscription from Sky News Australia [incorrectly declared in category 14. Other interests]
9/10/2023Fletcher, PaulSelfHer Excellency Tsai Ing-wen, President of the Republic of China - (Taiwan) presented me with a gift of pottery tea set from ANTA Pottery.
22/07/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfThe Australian Subscription Television and Radio Association (ASTRA) has provided a complimentary Foxtel subscription for the electorate office
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerNil
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulDependent childrenNil

12. Travel or hospitality

Travel or hospitality - 18 records

Sponsored travel or hospitality where the value exceeds $300

DateRepPersonDetails of travel/hospitality
17/01/2025Fletcher, PaulSelfQantas renewed membership of Chairman's Lounge to 31 Jan 2027
4/07/2024Fletcher, PaulSelfI was a guest of Foxtel at the 2024 Mid Winter Ball.
13/12/2023Fletcher, PaulSelfParticipated in an ELA (Environmental Leadership Australia) delegation - to COP 28, Dubai from 7 December to 12 December. ELA provided Air - travel, accommodation, food and city transport. ELA also facilitated - registration for COP28
21/11/2023Fletcher, PaulSelfI was a guest of Australia Post at the Sydney Institute's Annual Dinner in - October 2023
9/10/2023Fletcher, PaulSelfTrip to Republic of China (Taiwan) provided by the Taiwanese - Government - air travel, accommodation, food and city transport (24th - - 29th September 2023)
14/06/2023Fletcher, PaulSelfI was a participant on the 2023 AIIA [Australian Information Industry Association] Trade Delegation to India on 4th June - 9th June. AIIA covered the cost of my travel, including accommodation and return Business flights.
27/01/2023Fletcher, PaulSelfQantas Chairman's Lounge membership for 2023 and 2024
9/09/2022Fletcher, PaulSelf2 tickets to the Mid-Winter Ball, courtesy of eBay
12/08/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfVirgin Australia - complimentary membership of Virgin Australia Business Club [Beyond Lounge]
12/08/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfQantas has extended the duration of my Chairman's Lounge membership to 31 January 2023
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfFoundation Theatres provided tickets to attend Moulin Rouge the Musical at the State Theatre - with spouse
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfTickets from Empire Touring to attend 50 years of John Lennon Concert at the State Theatre - with spouse
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfBluesfest 2022 provided 4 day all venue tickets - with spouse
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerFoundation Theatres provided tickets to attend Moulin Rouge the Musical at the State Theatre - with spouse
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerTickets from Empire Touring to attend 50 years of John Lennon Concert at the State Theatre - with spouse
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerBluesfest 2022 provided 4 day all venue tickets - with spouse
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partner[Paul Fletcher declared he does not know and has not inquired as to whether his spouse has received any travel or hospitality exceeding $300]
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulDependent childrenNil

13. Memberships

Memberships - 25 records

Membership of any organisation where a conflict of interest with a member's or senator's public duties could foreseeably arise or be seen to arise

DateRepPersonName of organisation
27/07/2024Fletcher, PaulSelfNorth Sydney Rugby League Football Club
27/07/2024Fletcher, PaulSelfRenewed my membership for Support Lindfield Inc.
22/07/2024Fletcher, PaulSelfRenewed my membership for the Ku-ring-gai Historical Society
6/07/2023Fletcher, PaulSelfRenewed membership of Ku-ring-gai Historical Society
12/08/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfI registered to be a member of Support Lindfield
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfCity Tattersalls - Honorary membership
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfHornsby RSL
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfPatron of Ku-ring-gai Swim Club
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelf(Honorary) Chatswood West Ward Progress Association
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfSydney North Region Scouts - Supporter
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfAmbassador of Little Blue Dinosaur
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfSydney Institute Membership
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfNational Press Club - complimentary membership
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfWahroonga Rotary - Honorary Member
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfTurramurra Rotary - Honorary Member
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfKu-ring-gai Historical Society
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfAsquith Leagues Club
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfRoseville Memorial Club
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfColumbia University Alumni Association
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfFullbright Association
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfLiberal Party of Australia, NSW Division
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partner[Paul Fletcher declared he does not know and has not inquired as to whether his spouse is a member of any other organisations.]
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerLiberal Party of Australia, NSW Division
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulDependent childrenStep son aged 26 - I do not know and I have not made inquiry.
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulDependent childrenSon aged 13 - 1st Lindfield Scouts group, Scouts Australia

14. Other Interests

Other Interests - 3 records

Any other interests where a conflict of interest with a member's or senator's public duties could foreseeably arise or be seen to arise

DateRepPersonNature of interests
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSelfNil
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulSpouse/partnerNil
11/04/2022Fletcher, PaulDependent childrenNil

Photo licensed from the Parliament of Australia website under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 AU